Can Emotional Stress Cause Chronic Pain?

It is well known that emotional stress can cause various conditions like digestive issues, diabetes, migraine and many more. However, it often leads to prolonged physical pain in the muscles and nerves. Chronic pain can be caused by injuries, inflammation, nerve damage and emotional issues. Many people with prolonged pain are suffering from post-traumatic disorder, depression, anxiety and emotional breakdown. The more anxious and stressed you are, the more there is a chance that with time it will affect your nerves and muscles making them tight and tense. The next phase is when the constricted muscles become fatigued and inefficient disturbing your ability to move. Chronic neuropathic pain occurs when nerves are damaged or inflamed for a long period of time.

Emotional stress

If there is pain in your mind that you are not aware of, your body will show it as phantom pain in different parts of it. All the time your thoughts and mental patterns lead to emotions which literally change the inner environment of your body. It is hard to say which is first - the pain or the emotional issues as they are both interconnected. However, each health condition starts in the emotional body and the mind first, before it finds its way to manifest as a disease on the physical level. But once the body is in pain, your emotional balance will soon be compromised too. After several days of illness, even if it is an ordinary flu, people tend to feel sad, depressed and unmotivated. So, imagine how it is if you are in pain all the time. On the other hand, trauma and stress can lead to chronic pain. Here is the vicious circle. Is there another solution other than painkillers?

What is well-being?

“Health” is a word that is everywhere these days, it seems like everyone is interested in restoring health. But what does that mean, do we remember how it feels to be healthy? It could be said that health is actually well-being. Moreover, it is the coherent state in which all your parts are working together in harmony. You are a being that has a body, a mind, emotions, a soul... and you express yourself on so many levels simultaneously. Everything that is part of yourself is interconnected and has its own intelligence. Your mind, emotional body, physical body, spirit … all of it makes you who you are and how you will experience this life. So, if you suffer from chronic pain, it is not a physical issue only and will not go away if you try to numb the body. About the solution - yes, there is another way to address chronic pain. It is called coMra Therapy.

Why do you need to try coMra Therapy if you suffer from chronic pain?

A very gentle but effective way to heal and support your body, is coMra Therapy. The specifically modulated cold laser, magnets and LEDs create a field of energy which helps your body to “remember” how it feels to be healthy. On the physical level, coMra will heal the cells providing them the additional energy they need. However, on a subtle level coMra will improve the communication in the cell and between cells, in the organ and between organs, in the body and between the body and your other parts. It creates this coherent field which helps your body to restore its primal balance, its well-being. That is the reason why coMra has such good results on various people with all kinds of complex conditions. Because it heals the person as a whole not only the condition, not only the disease. In short, coMra therapy is a holistic method which can be used as a healing protocol, as a prevention or as a pain relief. But in any case, it will support the body intelligence in its attempts to restore the health and well-being of the whole.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.

READ: The Results of Emotional Stress On Your Health