coMra therapy Blog

coMra for Chronic Conditions

Can Emotional Stress Cause Chronic Pain?

However, it often leads to prolonged physical pain in the muscles and nerves. Chronic pain can be caused by injuries, inflammation, nerve damage and emotional issues. Many people with prolonged pain are suffering from post-trauma disorder, depression, anxiety and emotional breakdown.
#emotionalstress #chronicpain #neuropathy #inflammation #painrelief #holistichealing

coMra – More Than A Cold Laser Therapy for Pain Relief

The body has it way to communicate with the mind when there is something wrong in an organ or a system – through pain. Whenever there is a condition, an inflammatory process or even a harmful emotion, pain will occur. If the pain is a message that is vital for the overall health, then how do you handle it and respond to it is crucial.
#coldlaser #lasertherapy #lasersforpain #painrelieflaser #lowlevellaser #painrelief

Is coMra Therapy a Solution for Chronic Fatigue?

If you feel exhausted even after 8 hours of sleep and your productivity is 50 % less than normal, and if that repeats day after day, you may need to notice that something serious is going on with your health. Chronic fatigue is one of these modern health conditions that affects thousands of people.
#feelingexhausted #chronicallytired #chronicfatiguesolutions #healthy #heallthylifestyle #feelmoreenergy #chronicfatigue

Improve The Health of Your Thyroid Naturally

The causes of this condition are very complex and still unclear, in fact many cases of thyroid diseases could go without the proper diagnosis for years before you find out what the problem is.

#thyroid #autoimmune #Hashimoto #hypothyroidism #stress #hypothyroidismtreatment #hashimototreatment #autoimmunedisease #hashimotohealing
#anemia #anemiatreatment #healthyblood #holistichealth #healing #healthy #healthylifestyle

Anemia Treatment to Make You Healthier and Stronger

How to treat and heal anemia in a natural and non-invasive way? Apart from taking iron supplements, what are the possibilities to make yourself stronger and healthier? How the red blood cells production could be affected in a positive way that is gentle and beneficial for the overall health?
#anemia #anemiatreatment #healthyblood #holistichealth #healing #healthy #healthylifestyle