coMra therapy Blog

How to heal and stay healthy webinars

We see a huge need for understanding our own health — how to heal and stay healthy. Not only in terms of the tools one can apply. But also in terms of what is the dis-ease, how it appears, what are the underlying causes and how to stay healthy.

We consider coMra to be an ideal tool for both healing and staying healthy, besides some other things related to the lifestyle and mindset. However, we would provide in those webinar series some tools, that can be applied by every person, to understand his or her own health, to understand and work with disease, to find suitable tools and solutions, or necessary corrective actions, based on that understanding. This series of educational webinars targeted not only at coMra professionals and coMra users but also all those people, who want to understand how to heal and stay healthy under various circumstances.

How to heal and stay healthy webinar series

If you would like to receive notifications about upcoming webinars, as well and instructions on how to register, please provide your email address below.

Webinar 1. Evolving self-sufficiency with coMra therapy.

The main message of the webinar: “The door stands open to transition from therapist to guide, with coMra therapy as a viable and an important tool to not only facilitate that transition but to practically implement it in a sustainable way. Your clients need you now more than ever.” This part of the recording is Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD presentation on the global crisis of self-sufficiency and how to approach pandemy of COVID-19 in that respect.

Evolving self-sufficiency. Telemedicine with coMra therapy.

Webinar 2. Boost immunity with coMra therapy.

The latest science behind current COVID-19 immune challenge and practical tools for use at home.

Webinar: Boost immunity with coMra therapy

Webinar 3. Healing Journey: physical and beyond

Why we say the physical and beyond? It is because once we move past strictly the physical we get into an area, which is about self-sufficiency. When I use the words self-sufficiency, what I mean is this analogy: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day” and “If you teach a man to fish, he can feed himself for a lifetime”. And the other thing I want you to take away, this is really a chance for you to catch yourself doing something right. What I mean by that is we all doing things right in our lives. But sometimes we get them right and not sure how we get them right. But when we catch ourselves doing something right we are in a much better position to be able to do that with more purpose, more consciousness, more deliberately.

The Steps of Your Healing Journey - Exploring the physical and beyond

Webinar 4. Q&A about coMra Therapy

Why to treat? What can you treat? How to treat. How to make your own treatments​? And more… In this presentation, Dr. Arzhan Surazakov shares a condensed and light approach to coMra​ therapy treatments that covers all of the basics. Great for any person starting to use coMra therapy as contains most of the things to know to start your own coMra journey.

Treatment Protocols with coMra - Why, What and How to Treat? How to Make Your Own Treatment?

Webinar 5. Tackling fear with coMra therapy

Tackling fear with coMra​ therapy How to achieve results in critical situations How to tackle fear​, anxiety​, how to prepare for possible critical situation. How to find an empowering way to your own healing or healing of someone close to you. An approach that is revealed through some personal examples, but can be applied in various critical cases.

Fear, Anxiety, Pain ....Using coMra Therapy in Critical Situations

Webinar 6. Introducing coMra Wave Technology – A Revolutionary Technology

What is it ?- Why it works? – How to use it? – Why you’ll want to use it? Water is a central actor in our whole body. This is the main message. Learn how this can be and why water and its state is so important. This presentation explores: – the coMra wave technology, – significance of the types of water in the body for health, – WiFi, 3, 4, and 5G technologies – and how all these ties together

Introducing coMra Wave Technology - A Revolutionary Technology You Need to Know About

Webinar 7. The Secret Behind coMra Therapy – the Intuitive Understanding of Life

It may sound like a strange topic for a technology company. But this exact theme gives a key to why coMra​ works in this very specific way. And not in many other possible ways and approaches, that are widely used in standard medical care, and some of the alternative​ therapies as well. All of us have an intuitive​ grasp of life and how to make it work in our daily circumstances. But when it comes to trying to understand any medical​ technology, the complexity of science​ and jargon leaves one none the wiser. The secret of coMra therapy is that it starts with that intuitive understanding of life and directly implements it in medical technology. In this webinar, we will discuss why coMra is a technology of harmony.

The Secret Behind coMra Therapy - the Intuitive Understanding of Life

Webinar 8. Working with Horses and How to Treat Horse Injuries with coMra therapy

Working with Horses​ and How to Treat Horse Injuries with coMra​ therapy Georg Beining: How I made the decision to explore new discoveries within myself, and by willing to make the adjustments within myself, I was also able to make new discoveries how coMra can assist with Horses, and other aspects.

Working with Horses and How to Treat Horse Injuries with coMra therapy

Webinar 9. Dealing with Sports and Fitness Injuries using coMra therapy

Good health and fitness could and should go together. htts:// This was presented by our Sports​ and Fitness​ consultant, coach, athlete, track runner and a friend Alexander Hevia residing in Miami, Florida, US. You can reach Alexander for a consultation or schedule a visit to his gym here: Email: Alexander@runholistic.comfrom “What I have learned in my life through sport is that it is very easy to get caught up on the goal. It wasn’t until recently that I developed enough wisdom to truly realize the destructive manner in which I approached sports which caused all types of injuries. Having to coach myself, I had to learn to temper this and find a balance through my training regimens lest I end up regularly damaged physically, mentally, emotionally and, deep down inside, spiritually.”

Dealing with Sports and Fitness Injuries using coMra therapy - My Personal Story

Webinar 10. Supporting and Restoring Hormonal Balance with coMra Therapy – how emotions affect your hormones

This webinar covers an introduction to the topic of Hormonal Balance and how to approach it holistically. It goes beyond simply various environmental factors or self-induced chemical factors. Most importantly it touches on the topic of how our thoughts and emotions are directly connected with the endocrine system. And how promptly our glands respond to changes in our psyche. Given the fact that our emotional and mental patterns play a key role in the hormonal system, how do we approach that and what is the role of coMra​ therapy in this process?

Supporting and Restoring Hormonal Balance with coMra Therapy - how emotions affect your hormones

Webinar 11. The secret of menstrual cycle – Exploring Natural Rhythms of a Woman, a Holistic Approach

This webinar is connecting some deeper aspects of the holistic approach to health. coMra​ therapy is a very natural, holistic and safe healing modality, and for a complete picture, a human being and life circumstances need to be included. “Exploring the mysterious journey of a woman. Not simply a mere intellectual understanding, but through a practical approach. Making it plain to see why any woman would be excited to uncover more of her potential. And for the men out there — if the women in your life win, so do you, so come and see how to co-operate in this.”

The secret of menstrual cycle - Exploring Natural Rhythms of a Woman, a Holistic Approach

Webinar 12. Healing for Men beyond the physical

Healing for Men “Marching to the beat of your own drum” Healing beyond the physical You can start here and now. This webinar will benefit both man and woman. It is definitely a very unique and fresh material, thought-provoking and may even appear controversial at times.

Healing for Men beyond the physical

Webinar 13. Boost your immunity with coMra: an update — treating infections

In April 2020 we presented a view that none of us is helpless when we meet a novel virus because our immune system has evolved for millions of years alongside evolving microbes. The key message is that it is our personal responsibility to support the immune system while it is busy with a new microbe. And coMra-therapy is a great tool to provide support and care for our body. Since our first webinar on this topic, we published a scientific paper in a leading peer-reviewed journal to explain in detail our proposition.….​ We also had the first-hand experience of going through COVID-19 that supported our idea.

Boost your immunity with coMra: an update -- treating infections

Webinar 14. Psychological Self Healing

In this webinar, we will attempt to take a ride on the psychological part of our journey of life. As this is a journey of a lifetime, we will touch upon the things that steer us away from the joy of life and put us at risk of mental illness, as well as how we can take corrective actions to head back towards psychological self-healing. Join us on this ride and it would be fun 🙂

Psychological Self Healing

Webinar 15. The coMra Wellness Test — short summary

Watch full webinar here:

Believe it or not our body’s wellness is directly connected to your state of being.Ground-breaking research, very little known in the West now available to you. Use for yourself; in your own healing journey, or in your desire to stay vibrant and active throughout your life. Come join us as we share this new and exciting tool. It is easy and fun to use and hugely beneficial in supporting you in tuning into and make adjustments to your body’s state of wellness.

The coMra Wellness Test -- short summary