How to Effectively Prevent Diseases and Stay Healthy

Prevention is the best choice as the overall health is generally an inner balance and it is easier to keep it than to restore it, once it is lost. But what does prevention means when we talk about the health? If you are healthy and has no symptoms, then do you need to do anything different in order to keep that or you will pay attention to your health only when you feel some pain or discomfort?  

When you focus on the prevention, you actually focus on the healthy state of yourself rather than on the fear that you might get sick one day. And in order to be healthy and to stay strong and energetic, it is not enough only to take care of the physical body but also to pay more attention on your emotional and mental state too. Apart from the medical explanation of the word prevention, you need to know what does this mean to you. As we said, it is easier to keep the balance than to restore it and you do it by focusing on the good, on what you have, on cherishing all the things that you use daily, on supporting yourself during your life journey.

First of all, you need to ask yourself several questions. Do you believe that your body has the inner ability to maintain health and to heal itself, to recover and to regenerate if needed? If the answer is “yes” then we can search together for the ways to awake and support this ability. Let’s look for methods to do so without destroying this thin balance inside with medication or any other invasive ways that are so popular these days. The other question is - can we help our bodies to feel healthy without the use of any aggressive methods or chemicals that could turn out to be more harmful than helpful?

Healthy Habits and Lifestyle

To observe what makes you feel less energetic is the first step to maintain your health as a prevention. We all know that the rich diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is providing us with vitamins and minerals, that sugar, alcohol and smoking is bad for your health. We also know that activity is needed, fresh air and sunshine too if you want to be healthy. But in order to really do prevent from diseases, you will need a very clear and powerful plan on how to sustain your energy. Which foods are the best for you, what type of exercising is the best for your body type and lifestyle, how much protein or carbohydrates you can consume on daily basis, do you have to change your daily routine in order to support your health, do you need to cut something from your diet like sugar, salt, processed foods, junk foods etc.?

You can begin with incorporating new things one by one and if you are persistent they will soon become habits that will work for you without even thinking about them. For example, you want to cut the refined sugar intake and to replace it with fruits. If you do this one month on purpose, then you will start to do it very naturally, it will become a healthy habit reaching for fruit each time you need to eat something sweet.

How to support your body

Do you think that going to a massage is a good way to support your body without any particular reason, just for the sake of feeling better after that? What about going a sauna, to the beach or walking in the forest? All this could be called prevention too as we all know, these activities are healthy and it is good to find some time to include them in your day. What about if there is another way to support and awake your inner abilities to heal and recover? There is actually, a way that meets nature with technology in a very gentle and non-invasive therapy that you could apply on yourself even if you are healthy and don’t feel any pain or discomfort. It is called coMra therapy, it is done with a laser so safe that it doesn’t have any side effects and so powerful that could heal and regenerate almost every organ or system in your body. The coMra Palm was invented to be used for treatment but also as a prevention. Several minutes of your time just to give an additional boost to your organism and in no time you will feel more energy and in a better overall condition. All Universal Treatments that you will find in the coMra user guide could be used either as prevention or healing methods.

Stress management and Emotional balance

More than the half of all of the modern diseases are stress based, so how we deal with the stress reaction and the emotional balance is a major thing when we talk about prevention. Actually exercises and nutrition are coming after the control over the emotions  and over the production of cortisol which is often called “ the stress hormone”. Stress is the reaction of the organism to an attack or a dangerous situation, when all the muscles are activated ready to fight of run. If this condition lasts for several minutes or hours, it is fine but if it becomes a constant state then the balance or the health is slowly destroyed. The production of cortisol is a priority for the body and if it needs to produce it all the time, the other hormones will be reduced and a hormonal imbalance will occur very soon. Whether a situation is dangerous or not, however, is decided by your mind. So you need to search for the inner patterns in your mind that create the stress perception and to be aware of them. To let the emotions take over you, is again a decision that starts from the thinking process. As these are the roots of so many conditions, a focused attention on them is very much needed in order to stay healthy.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.