Holistic Architecture of Health by Dr Arzhan Surazakov PhD

"Where do I start in creating health for myself and my loved ones?"

This is one of the most important questions we ask ourselves. And there is no single correct answer to it, because there are so many methods of treating various diseases and even more paths to a good quality of life.  And yet we all share the same means for our human experience of life – our  body, emotions, feelings and thoughts. So if we are to learn how to increase health and choose among many methods of medical treatment, we need to understand how these aspects of a human being interact in manifesting wellbeing or disease.

holistic health

It is quite obvious that if we want to fully partake in life - in a family unit, in a business or a friendship - we need a resilient physical body, emotional balance and a sound mind. It is also important to understand that all of these aspects of our being very closely interact in order to generate health or disease. To put it very briefly:

Let us look at this sequence in more detail. If we have a keen and fluid perception, then we register knowledge that is accurate to what is actually going on in the present moment. Using such knowledge we can make wise decisions and act to increase our quality of life.

But if our perception is too limited or somehow skewed we get a distorted picture of reality. Frequently we are stuck in outdated mental and emotional patterns that once were helpful, but although life has moved on, these patterns have not changed. Such a mismatch between perceived reality and what actually is going on generates internal conflict or a dis-ease in our awareness. So when we reactivate the same outdated pattern of perception over and over again, we heavily tax and then deplete organs and cells in our body that are responsible for our physiological response to that specific pattern. The dis-ease in perception becomes illness in the physical body.

Take, for example, a person who is crossing a street and suddenly sees a speeding oncoming car. Instantly the heart and breathing rates accelerate, pupils dilate, his muscles and the whole body are prepared for running away. Such a response to the emotion of fear is necessary to  preserve one's life. However, if a person lives in a constant state of fear after, for example, a traumatic event in childhood, then the accumulated stresses, that can be triggered by completely unrelated incidents, will  inevitably result in a full blown illness, such as endocrine disease or a psychological disorder or both.

In fact, the emotional colouring of our perception has such a powerful effect over our physiology that in medical research the so called "gold standard" of estimating efficacy of a treatment is to compare it to placebo, such as a sugar pill. Up to 30 to 60% of the effect of pharmacological drugs is due to expectation of the patient that the drug will help. Just as powerful is the effect of "nocibo" when the patient expects a negative effect. Obviously, the body itself cannot read and understand the prescription labels. Instead, it tunes in to the emotional clues arising in our awareness and adjusts its physiology by manifesting real, measurable changes in cellular bioenergetics and chemistry, organ function and structure, and finally symptoms.

We can picture health and disease as result of interaction between the following fundamental aspects of our being:

  • The Self – the deepest source of our awareness that guides us in order to fully unfold our potential.
  • Human being – an outer expression of the Self in form of a social personality and a physical body. Actions of a human being are expressed in three distinct areas:

We can define health, therefore, as a state when a human being is arranged into a harmonious and coherent whole thus enabling the Self to fully manifest and partake in life. Illness, on the other hand, is essentially the same learning process except that it happens in presence of an imbalance originating from physical, emotional or mental aspects. This imbalance impedes the coherence of the whole and thus the learning is occurring through pain and suffering. In other words, apart from obvious causes such as physical injury, pathological changes in the body is a final outcome of a long chain of causes and effects.

We need to clarify here that the physical body, like all animals in nature with whom it shares its evolutionary past, constantly recreates itself through a process of regeneration. This inherent ability to self-regenerate enables the body to maintain itself during its entire life span, to adapt to changes and to heal itself after injury or disease. Therefore self-healing is very much a natural ability of the organism that functions without our conscious control. However, after millions of years of evolution the human physical body has become a perfected response apparatus to the emotional urges that stem from feelings and thoughts. What it means is that the body also carries the burden of being a vehicle for our learning. So when the socially conditioned human being resists learning and insists on behaviour that clearly overuses and damages certain cells and organs, then the self-healing ability of the body becomes impaired, leading to incomplete recovery after a stress. These incompletely healed lesions accumulate over time leading to what is known as chronic disease.

So, generally speaking, when a disease manifests in the physical body, it points to a certain lack of knowledge of life. To heal a disease we need to support the body in its task of self-healing and also use our emotions as a compass to navigate to that distortion in perception and uncover what actually took place in reality. Therefore, true holistic healing is always a journey of discovery and learning!

In this video, Radiant Life Technologies’ Dr Arzhan Surazakov explains how the laser works, and how the combined radiances work together to provide a unique therapy that works at a fundamental level to promote healing in the body:

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide ( you can use the Web app, download the mobile version or as a pdf file). If you can find it, start applying the relevant to it treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.