New to coMra Therapy? - Here Is How to Start

Are you new to coMra therapy and just ordered your coMra Palm? Here is some useful information on how to start your journey to better health. You can apply coMra therapy at home on your own without any negative side effects while the method is totally non-invasive and gentle. However, it is good to know where to start from and how to use the device in order to receive the best results for yourself and your family. This revolutionary method in healing and prevention is used by many people with wonderful results. We hope that soon you will be one of them too.

Get to know  your coMra Palm

This small device is totally portable and works without the cable as the battery has quite a long time between charges. As you can see in the quick start book from your box, first you need to switch it on from the button on the back. If you hear a continuous sound when turning it on, the battery needs charging. On the front of the device you will see three buttons. Start with the blue one to set the desired frequency. Then from the green one choose the time in minutes. Then press the yellow button to start the treatment. When the device is working, you will see the interchanging colors on the back are turned on.

Download the coMra user guide

The next step is to download the coMra user guide to choose which treatment you will start with. If you have acute pain, just place the coMra Palm on that spot of the body for several minutes and repeat this several times per day. The coMra user guide will help you with general guidelines on how to set the device on the needed frequency and with more detailed treatments for various conditions. In the download section of the website, you may find some useful resources to help you start using coMra therapy with more confidence.

Start your treatments

You can start with coMra Universal Treatments which can be used both for healing and as a prevention and conditioning of your body. Then search for your condition in the mobile version of the coMra user guide to find the suitable treatment course. If you don’t find your condition or disease, search for the related organ or system and apply the treatment for them. You need to know that on the heart you always use 5 Hz frequency. For more details, read all the instructions that come with the treatment schedule. You can combine the treatments and create your own healing program once you get the feeling of how coMra therapy supports your body.

Observe and experiment with coMra

You can write down a list of all your symptoms that you have at the beginning of the treatment course with coMra therapy. Then come back to that list every couple of days to compare how do you feel while applying coMra. Make note that for some conditions or diseases more time is needed to observe improvement. Do not drop your treatments and follow the guidelines in the user guide. Rest for a while and then repeat your course. Once you get the feeling of how coMra works for you, you can spend more time on some points and add other points to experiment. The method is non-invasive and will induce the natural harmony and coherence in every organ and system in your body.

Check the video page

In our Youtube channel, you can find some case studies which can help you find your own treatment program and to see what results other people got with coMra therapy. The experts, doctors and practitioners in our team are collecting and sharing cases studies to encourage you to start applying coMra therapy at home. All around the world there are people who use coMra therapy and receive great results for themselves and their patients. The responsibility of your health is in your hands. And we are here for you to support your journey.

To start using coMra, first search your health issue in the coMra User Guide. If you can find it, start applying the relevant treatment protocol. If you do not find it, start with coMra Universal 3 and coMra Universal 5 protocols. If you have questions and need support by an expert, please contact us.