coMra therapy Blog

coMra therapy and working with Horses


The Journey of Adjustment

Garrett Murrin: Working with Horses and his Journey with that. So it is a very lovely presentation, in a sense that not only it is about coMra, but of course, as we go, it is also about that coMra Journey. He is gonna share his Journey with us through this presentation.

I just wanted to say, some of you tuned into the webinars regularly Others maybe it’s your first time or you come once in a while, which is all great. I’d ask you when you’re watching this webinar, think about people in your life who you know, who could benefit. And why I say that is not only humans suffer and go through the pain and different things. But you gonna see very clearly from the webinar, and some of you course are familiar with horses, so you’ll see, you’ll already know this, but for others — they’re also going through their own pain, and traumas, and different things.

And it’s not only people that benefit from coMra therapy. That obviously animals too, all life, cause it’s a life-supportive technology. So Georg is gonna present, keep in mind how this benefits people and our furry family members, and other animals and stuff. If if you feel that someone will benefit, pass it along because this is a lot of people right now. You just heard before we started about the lockdown.

There is a lot of people in the world right now, who have no access to any medical care. Because they can’t go for elective surgeries, they’re not wanting to go into places where there is a risk. Some people are very concerned about this. So, it becomes even more of an issue. Now about this — being able to take care of your own health. So let’s consider that as you watch the webinar, okay

Thank you, and without further ado, I’d like to welcome Georg, thank you very much! Georg is our South American representative. He’s stationed in Chile, he’s originally coming from South Africa, so he is a well-travelled man. And he’s gonna share with us some of his Journey with coMra therapy. And especially, as you see there with respect to Horses. So Georg, thank you, please go ahead!

Working with Horses and How to Treat Horse Injuries with coMra therapy

Georg Beining: Thank you Garrett, and thank you, everyone, for making the time to come to listen to this talk. So yes, my name is Georg and I am living in Viña del Mar in Chile. And I’d like to share with you my Journey in working with and healing Horses. And in some aspects also healing myself at the same time.

So in 2014 friend of mine came to me and she shared an opportunity to work with a lady, who works with horses and children. We ended up working with the horses. And this opportunity led me into the unknown. Where I had no idea, what I was doing at the time. I’ve had no experience of working with horses at that time.

And the journey eventually ended up a year and a half later. Where we assisted two students that were working at the local racetrack. Where they wrote their thesis. The first student wrote the thesis on the condition called exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhaging. This condition is prevalent within a race community, and that is a condition that racehorses suffer from worldwide.

And due to the high levels of training and demands placed on the horses lungs, this high level of training actually damages the lungs, to the extent they start bleeding, hence the haemorrhaging. So we did quite a lot of work around this and during this process, I also started seeing, as we were working with horses quite extensively. We started treating for different conditions and We ended up treating a couple of wounds, and I started seeing some really amazing results with wounds. So when we were preparing for the first thesis, I also requested the director of the clinic, whether he could get a second student and we could do some sort of study …
