coMra therapy Blog


Slow Metabolism Part 2 – Symptoms and Body Signs

The slow metabolism affects the way the energy is produced and distributed in the body. You may find that your have difficulties with concentration or that you often forget things, or that you constantly feel cold and tired. Slow metabolism is related to…
#metabolism #insulinresistance #diabetes #stress #estrogendominance #metabolicsyndrome

Slow Metabolism Part 1 – Why You Can’t Lose Weight

You blood sugar levels will go up and down all day and your body will try to fix that. All the unneeded energy from the sugar will be turned into fat as quickly as possible as it is too dangerous for the body to have high levels of glucose in the blood. This will lead to…
#weightloss #metabolism #insulinresistance #diabetes #stress #estrogendominance #nutritiontips #sugar