coMra therapy Blog

blood circulation

Body Signs of Not Drinking Enough Water

How can you understand that your body needs more water each day? Water is used in many different processes and reactions in your cells, it is vital for your health and you need a good supply of fresh, clean water for your organs and systems to operate. Which are the body signs of water deficiency ?
#dehydration #drinkingwater #structuredwater #constipation #headache #migraine #bloodcirculation

How to Support Your Heart By Improving the Blood Circulation

The best way to help the work of the heart is to improve the blood circulation as this will release some of the pressure on the heart. As a prevention the natural ways would be very beneficial as they will improve your blood circulation without the risk of the side effects caused by many medications.
#heart #bloodvessels #bloodcirculation #cardiovascularsystem #fatigue #stress

5 Ways to How to Boost Your Virility As a Man

The problems with fertility in men are linked to a decreased sperm count, low sperm motility, low libido and erectile dysfunction. The hormonal imbalance is in the roots of the fertility issues in men as the male body needs testosterone in order to produce good quality sperm. Various conditions may lead to such an imbalance such as poor nutrition, lots of stress, diseases, excessive training, toxins etc.